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Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium funding?

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to pupils from low-income families and those who are eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been in the last six years (Ever 6). The funding is also allocated to pupils who have been in the care of the Local Authority for more than six months, are adopted under the Adoption and Children's Act 2002 and have care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order.  Pupils whose parents are currently serving in the armed forces are also eligible for funding. This funding aims to raise attainment and progress in the identified groups of pupils and close the attainment and progress gap between their peers.

Many children and families in our community qualify for additional funding through Pupil Premium Grant. This funding is provided directly to the school to support any children who are eligible - helping them to access every opportunity offered to their non-free school meal peers.


Do you claim one of these benefits?

  • Income support
  • Employment & Support Allowance—Income related only
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance (Not Contribution Based JSA)
  • Child Tax Credit only (with a combined family income of less than £16,190 per annum as assessed by HM Revenues & Customs)
  • National Asylum Seekers Support (NASS)
  • Guaranteed Element of Pension Tax Credit.


If so, you could be entitled to some additional support which we can use with you to help your child to do their best at school. Please go to Community, Useful Links where you will find the web address for Gov.UK which will give you all the information you need.


We are also aware that there are a number of families who do not access or qualify for this grant but experience levels of hardship that make life more challenging.  These children and their families are also considered and we ensure that we offer equal opportunities to all. 


Key Priorities.

  • To narrow the in school gap between disadvantaged pupils and their peers by addressing inequalities and raising attainment.
  • To meet national expectations of progress and attainment for disadvantaged children.


Successful Strategies that we implement

  • Focus on high quality teaching and detailed marking and feedback
  • Focus on meeting individual needs through targeting
  • Developing skills of staff and deploying them effectively
  • Focus on early intervention as response to data and evidence



There are No pupils on roll at the school, therefore we have no Pupil Premium children.
